Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Without Parents

It started Christmas Eve, when Dad & Mom went to the hospital so Darrin could pass his 10 kidney stones! They were going to let him out, then no , then yes, and finally NO! But Remy and Tate did have a support group of Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, and cousin at home, and Christmas went on without Mom & Dad. Here are the three cousins, with Christmas Trees and piles (well not quite yet) of presents. And here is the family resting in a chair, while dad rests in his hospital bed. Hope Dad and Mom had as much fun as we did! We had lots of fun, laughs, messes, food and stockings. It was a Christmas to remember! Hope you find your stockings Darrin & Mandy!? he he

Monday, December 1, 2008

$150 Turkey!

This Thanksgiving was a real bad Turkey. After spending and eating turkey at my brother Glen's house, we went back to Darrin& Mandy's, however I had to stop at Smith's for a few things and was later getting there. When I did there was NO WHERE on the street to park! However here was a house with a for sale sign on it. but you know sometimes, people still live there even if there is a sign. Further up the road a few houses was a house with a for rent sign, and after seeing no lights on, or cars in the drive way, I decided to park in the driveway. I asked Mandy if anyone was living there and the answer was a no. Well about 1 1/2 hours later , Mike went to the car to get his pills, only he couldn't find the car. You know how men are, you have to show them. Well when I went to show him, I couldn't find it either. Darrin and Mandy joined in the search. We found lights on in the basement at the house, but no one home, and the for rent sign was down. Black skid marks were in the driveway where the car used to be. Had I forgotten to lock the doors? Nope! Had somebody stolen it? Well we went back and called the police to report a stolen car. Also called the owner of the house for rent and left a message. We found it had been towed! Of course it was closed for the night and we could pick it up in the morning for cash to the Turkey tune of $150. Happy Thanksgiving! One to remember! Ruth thought for sure divorce papers were in the making. Then on our way to pick up the Trailblazer, we were rear-ended by a woman excited about her Black Friday shopping and talking on her cell phone! Brady and Mike jumped out to check things out, but, fortunately the bumpers matched and no damage done. Was this really our black Friday? With two counts against us, a it could have been worse!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Just thought we should let everyone know that Brady returns on Saturday, October 25 @11:05 a.m., American airlines. Brady will speak on November 9, 11:00 a.m.
And yes, Mike did have hair once!

Monday, September 15, 2008

After Gormet Meal, Cat Disappears!

Well , I guess the Grandparents are completely alone now. The first week of September, snuggles the "old" cat hadn't eaten much of the food Grandma put out. Then on Saturday, Mike found the remains of a pigeon (a few feathers) and showed Grandma. Well, no wonder she didn't want my food, Grandma replied. On the 7th, Monday, Snuggles bothered grandpa in the shed and gave him a good meow. I guess that was goodbye , because we haven't seen her since. At least she enjoyed her last few days with a gormet meal of Pigeon, whether she had teeth or not!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Well it's been awhile since we changed the blog. As you can see we up-graded the slide and the clubhouse with chimes and a seat to watch the trains on. And since the upgrade, the grandkids wanted to have a few parties in the back yard, so here are a few pics.

Adam Olsen enjoying the leftovers of July 24th!

Remy & Tate trying out the new slide!

Macey Miller enjoying the yogurt!
Look at all the monkeies in the jungle! haha

Monday, July 14, 2008

Summer Fun!

During July we spent some time at Bear Lake and
with some grandkids. We have some photos to

This is a photo we took of the waves on Bear Lake on July 11th. The wind blew all day and caused the waves to build up. The bigger waves are 2 to 3 feet high. We took advantage of this phenomenon and took a dip. They were cool, yet quite powerful. No one was on the lake because it was so choppy. We are sure the people on the beach thought us to be crazy!

After the 4th we crashed a pool party at Cody's. You will notice all of the kids in the pool. They had a great time. Tate was hesitant at first, but grandpa got in, took him by the hand, and showed him how to splash and have fun in the water. Cody's cousin Alan didn't believe grandpa would really get in the water! It was a fun time. Cody and Tate kept catching potato bugs and trying to drown them in the pool.

Soon Tate was having fun on his own, and grandpa just thought it felt good to stay in!

After a year of planning and preparing, the Irwin reunion finally took place on July 12th at the Laketown church. Ruth worked her little squirrel tail off, but everyone said it was the best ever. Mike and Arlo got to cook burgers, hot dogs, and themselves during most of the activities. #1 hit of the activities was when Gordon hitched up his Alley Ponies and gave rides to anyone that wanted. Even the old ladies and gents (and I really mean OLD people) wanted rides and everyone thoroughly enjoyed their trip around the block- as many times as they wanted to ride.

It has been quite the summer and of course there is still time for more summer!

Later, all!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

First times & Fishing

We had many first time adventures at our Fishing trip this weekend for Darrin's birthday. First time catching a fish for Tate and Remy. First time eating fish for Tate, Remy and Mandy. And first time camping for Charlie ! We didn't see any bears, except for Charlie! Charlie loved the out- of-doors!

Grandma holding Tate, who is holding Charlie, who is holding his hat!

Remy's actually caught his first fish!

Tate caught his first fish!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hi guys! Well after waiting for a month (last time we added) of asking Mike to keep up the blog, I decided to try it myself, so here goes. I love your blogs and have finally found out how to add a comment. Yahooo, Cindy & Kyle have joined too!! WE love having Grandkids, they' re the best!! I've learned a few things from some church books I got at D.I. First, that before we can get help or blessings from God, you have to pray. If he blessed you before you pray , that would be taking away your free agency. 2. That the work will go forward, when the women of the church move it (or the men) forward. and the Lord is just waiting for us to move. and a few things to keep in mind that will be happening this sumer. July 4, in Bear Lake-Alley Reunion, Sat. July 12, Laketown Church(Bear Lake) Irwin Reunion, Alley's are over it and need your help! A talent would also be appreciated if you can make it. We provide food and games. Kevin's surgery, Thurs. July 31, and the Lamb reunion, Malibu campground , Logan Canyon, Sat. Aug. 8 & 9 (more info if you need it) . Here is a picture of Keven being fit for his torso brace. We call it his Marilyn Monroe outfit.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I'v e been tagged!

So Becky tagged me on what I am reading. I got an old book from D.I. called Joseph Smith .. Martyr Prophet written by the secretary of many of the modern prophets. And the quote says on page 123, "Therefore their iniquities shall be visited upon their heads and their works shall be burned up with unquenchable fire." I've been reading about how much the prophet Joseph prayed and relied upon the Lord. Joseph taught that God loves and loves to bless his children here on earth, but doesn't want to take away their free agency; and that the condition upon which God would enter their lives was that they would invite(prayer) him in. So say those prayers!
Also a note about the 60 th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! It will start at noon at the Wellington Stake Center. We will eat and then Grandma wants all to perform their talents. We will be sending information about what to bring(food) after mother's day. Also Amy is having a Wedding/Baby shower sometime during or after the festivities. And please bring pages to put in their book we are compiling. Hope to see you all there! OH, I tag Cara, Cindy(where is your blog), Jana, Lisa and Heather! Love you all!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


A great weekend was had on April 26, where we celebrated Remy and Tate's birthdays. However we did have three cakes one for Remy, one for Tate and one for the rest of the family who also had birthdays this month (Kyle's 19, Jeff's 25) and Mike's May 2 and Jessie's on the 13. Notice all the cute young men and future missionaries in the picture! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL AND WE LOVE YOU!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

the Education of Grandma

The last week in March, Grandma went to tend Remy & Tate, while Darrin & Mandy celebrated their 9th wedding anniversary and what an education it was with the boys! They wanted to go to McDonald's to eat. Remy told Grandma what to order, nuggets, hambuger, fries, apple slices, and chocolate milk. While I was ordering they knew where they wanted to sit and eat. It was by the fireplace, in two overstuffed chairs and a small table.(Grandma, pulled a chair up next to them) They were so excited to sit in the chairs next to the fireplace. Well we ate, then Remy took the trash away, "I'll get it Grandma", he says. Then came the education of the trash bin. It talks back to you! "Thanks for depositing your trash", it says. So every little piece of trash was thrown away. We were ready to go and Tate had to make his deposits into the talking trash bin. Then no trash and just the trash bin with a thank you, over rand over again between the two. Needless to say, a talking trash bin at McDonald's is always a hit!!! Grandma got an education!

The Best Feeling Ever!

The best feeling ever was when we saw Kyle bring our daughter into the Celestial room of the Salt Lake Temple! Knowing that the next week they would be sealed together, and knowing that your last child was now endowed for eternity, well, we just held each other and cried. We had a glimpse of what it might be like on the other side. Our lives have really been blessed this year! Thanks to all our family for your help at these great times!
Ma & Pa Bradshaw

Friday, February 15, 2008


Yes! Lots and lots of snow. We got some big storms, but it never got to melt in between.

This little electric snowblower was perfect for Grandpa and Grandma's roof! Notice the ice dam above the ice cycles!

Thursday, Feb 13, Utah County got a blast of
wind that wreaked havoc on traffic with drifts.
This is what we woke up to on Valentine's!
The snow is drifted beyond the roof-line!

Yes, lots of snow, but we are anxiously awaiting spring!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Year End 2007 Photos

A lot has happened since our Halloween posting. Here are a few photos of family, etc. during our travels, visits, and Thanksgiving.

Lady and the Tramp (Thanksgiving)


The lighted proposal!

(Cindy Merry Christmas becomes Cindy Merry Me!)

Cindy and Kyle Balling from Kaysville
To be wed March 7, 2008!

Cute couple, yes!

We visited Angie and her family Dec. 26 and 27 in Farmington! We had to work and plan around the snow storms!

Wellington Snow!

Some of our notorious neighbors invading our backyard!

Note: January 1, 2008 6:00 AM--- 14 degrees below zero! Burrrrrrrrr!

That's all for now! Happy, Happy New Year to all!