Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I was going to do a Christmas card, but my church calling just keeps on with---just one more thing! So this is what you get; read it and weep. Oh, yes and today Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! Well it's been a great year with many great things that we can say we are thankful for. We see God's blessing in all our lives. WE have added two new members, Tanner and Tyler. Thanks for coming our way, we love you and we appreciate the parents with the courage to go for more!! We're grateful for you all and the "special" something you add to our family! We are looking forward to seeing you all during the holidays or after. Thank God for our many bounteous blessings that Heavenly Father has seen to bestow upon us and may they continue in the coming year! Let us not forget Christ and His atoning sacrifice for us. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


This morning when I had breakfast at 5:30 a.m. the temperature outside said -18! What global warming 10G people!? We had a great time (except I didn't get to try the garlic toast) at Tanner's blessing. Jeff, Becky and Tanner did great! And i think we had enough food and drink for all to eat. Wow what blessings we have had in this year!! Don't forget the surprise birthday party for Grandma Phyllis's birthday on January 2, Saturday. see you all during Christmas and love you bunches.