The last week in March, Grandma went to tend Remy & Tate, while Darrin & Mandy celebrated their 9th wedding anniversary and what an education it was with the boys! They wanted to go to McDonald's to eat. Remy told Grandma what to order, nuggets, hambuger, fries, apple slices, and chocolate milk. While I was ordering they knew where they wanted to sit and eat. It was by the fireplace, in two overstuffed chairs and a small table.(Grandma, pulled a chair up next to them) They were so excited to sit in the chairs next to the fireplace. Well we ate, then Remy took the trash away, "I'll get it Grandma", he says. Then came the education of the trash bin. It talks back to you! "Thanks for depositing your trash", it says. So every little piece of trash was thrown away. We were ready to go and Tate had to make his deposits into the talking trash bin. Then no trash and just the trash bin with a thank you, over rand over again between the two. Needless to say, a talking trash bin at McDonald's is always a hit!!! Grandma got an education!