Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pandemic Helps!

I just thought I would give you a few tips for the new and up-coming Pandemic Flu that seems to be going around.

Disinfectant of Vinegar & Hydrogen peroxide
Susan S., a food scientist worked out a recipe for a great and safe sanitizing combo. All you
need us three % hydrogen Peroxide(dis-infecting wounds) and plain white vinegar, and two spray bottles. To clean fruit or vegetables, just spray them well first with the vinegar and then the hydrogen peroxide, and then rinse them off under running water. These two work exceptionally well in sanitizing counters, cutting boards, door knobs, steering It is very strong and is used for any wheels. In tests, we found that pairing the two mists and all plagues.
killed virtually all Salmonella, E. Colli bacteria and Shigella on contaminated food or surfaces when used in this fashion, making this spray more effective than chlorine bleach or any any commercial cleanser. The best results came when using on mist right after the other. Do not mix the two together but keep in separate bottles!

Dr. Schultz (Ruth's)Super Tonic

put the following in a blender: handful of cut-up horseradish root, white onion, ginger root, garlic, Hot peppers(Habanra), add apple cider vinegar to cover. Cover with wax paper and lid. The older it becomes, the more powerful it becomes. Take it by teaspoon, or tablespoon if the plague comes along.


Mandy said...

Love the new blog look! You are a natural. Thanks for the tips! Love you guys.

Mandy said...

I love you
love remy

Cindy said...

Wow. I think I would rather get swine flu than eat a tonic that includes onions. But the disinfectant is cool. Thanks!