Friday, November 20, 2009


Hi just to let everyone know we plan on eating about 12:30 on Thanksgivng. The assignments are for 50-55 people: Mandy & Nancy>potatoes, Becky & Cindy>stuffed celery, Ruth>turkey,dressing & gravy. EVERYBODY BRING A PIE! Oh and Angie has an appointment on the 25TH at 1:30 at Shriners, but may need a ride to Price and Ed will be bringing the rest of the family on wed. night. yeah!!! See you on Turkey day and bring your talents!


Becky said...

Hooray! I'm excited to see Angie and the fam.

Betsy B said...

Oh, I wish we could be there! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Sorry we'll miss seeing Ed and Angie and the gang. Have lots of fun!

Mandy said...

We can take Angie to Price if needed. Just let us know!

Becky said...

same here.