Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
satan's world wide meeting
In his opening address he said,
"We can't keep Christians from going to church."
"We can't keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth."
"We can't even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their savior."
"Once they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken."
"So let them go to their churches; let them have their covered dish dinners, BUT steal their time, so they don't have time to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.."
"This is what I want you to do," said the devil:
"Distract them from gaining hold of their Savior and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day!"
"How shall we do this?" his followers shouted.
"Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds," he answered.
"Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, and borrow, borrow, borrow."
"Persuade the wives to go to work for long hours and the husbands to work 6-7 days each week, 10-12 hours a day, so they can afford their empty lifestyles."
"Keep them from spending time with their children."
"As their families fragment, soon, their homes will offer no escape from the pressures of work!"
"Over-stimulate their minds so that they cannot hear that still, small voice."
"Entice them to play the radio or cassette player whenever they drive." To keep the TV, VCR, CDs and their PCs going constantly in their home and see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays non-biblical music constantly."
"This will jam their minds and break that union with Christ."
"Fill the coffee tables with magazines and newspapers."
"Pound their minds with the news 24 hours a day."
"Invade their driving moments with billboards."
"Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, mail order catalogs, sweepstakes, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering free products, services and false hopes.."
"Keep skinny, beautiful models on the magazines and TV so their husbands will believe that outward beauty is what's important, and they'll become dissatisfied with their wives."
"Keep the wives too tired to love their husbands at night."
"Give them headaches too! "
"If they don't give their husbands the love they need, they will begin to look elsewhere." (adultery)
"That will fragment their families quickly!"
"Give them Santa Claus to distract them from teaching their children the real meaning of Christmas."
"Give them an Easter bunny so they won't talk about his resurrection and power over sin and death."
"Even in their recreation, let them be excessive."
"Have them return from their recreation exhausted."
"Keep them too busy to go out in nature and reflect on God's creation. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, plays, concerts, and movies instead."
"Keep them busy, busy, busy!"
"And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences."
"Crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from Jesus."
"Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and family for the good of the cause." It will work!" "It will work!"
It was quite a plan!
The followers went eagerly to their assignments causing Christians everywhere to get busier and more rushed, going here and there.
Having little time for their God or their families.
Having no time to tell others about the power of Jesus to change lives.
I guess the question is, has the devil been successful in his schemes?
You be the judge!!!!!
Does "BUSY" mean: B-eing U-nder S-atan's Y-oke?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Christmas Names
Mike> Becky--- Heather> New Baby Bradshaw
Ruth> Ed ---Jessie> Tate
Angie> Cindy --- Eddie> Charlie
Ed> Kyle ---Kevin> Remy
Darrin > Brady ---Jake> Tanner
Mandy> Mike--- Remy> Kevin
David> Ruth ---Tate> Jessie
Betsy> Darrin--- Cody> Heather
Becky> Angie --- Tanner>Eddie
Jeff> David ---Charlie> Jake
Brady> Betsy--- New born Bradshaw> Cody
Cindy> Jeff
Kyle> Mandy
This is unless you want to do away with names and just do family gifts? Let me know!
So I guess the Red Cross have given up on the Wellington Stake or is it the Wellington Stake have canceled the Red Cross. Any way, Yeah! one less job for me! And I think my Stake Birth-Parent Volunteer with the LDS Social services is also up, since we haven't meet since last year. Wow I'm down to three jobs now! For our Humanitarian service project in conjunction with the Women's Broadcast, me made at least 30 file folder games. and hopefully they will be out of the house soon! See ya all this weekend!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Lighthouse to Castle Country Youth Corrections
The other day I was doing the gmail chat thing with Cindy and I told her I was chatting from Detention. She replied, "What is my Dad doing in Detention?" It is my new job. As for my new "job"- I'm only a substitute, teaching at the Detention Center- the youth jail. I was a little concerned at first- not because of the kids- but because I have to teach 6 different class subjects. But I was given full rein to make any adaptations I felt to do.
DT Sign
I go through 7 lock-down doors to get to the classroom, (control has to remotely open each one for me) and then I'm locked up with the staff and the inmates.I even have 3 lock-down doors to get to the rest room. It has been a good thing for me, and the staffers are happy with my performance- they say they would like to keep me. They are surprised by how well I get along with the kids, and how they perform so well for me and are really doing some learning. It looks like the real teacher will be out for another month, at least. The staff would like me to stay- but unless the teacher takes disability- that won't happen, and I'm not wishing anything bad for her. I taught with her at the Lighthouse.
DT as seen from Carbon Ave. South of Basso's
While I've been doing the Detention thing, Mom has been doing the "Grandma in Lehi" thing with Tanner. She has spent most of the past month helping out. So, I've had to "batch" it. That's the time I get to eat what I want and Mom has little if anything to say about it. And, believe it or not- I have lost a few pounds.
TTFN! lolMonday, August 24, 2009
Family on the Front!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Bear Lake
Monday, June 1, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pandemic Helps!
Disinfectant of Vinegar & Hydrogen peroxide
Susan S., a food scientist worked out a recipe for a great and safe sanitizing combo. All you
need us three % hydrogen Peroxide(dis-infecting wounds) and plain white vinegar, and two spray bottles. To clean fruit or vegetables, just spray them well first with the vinegar and then the hydrogen peroxide, and then rinse them off under running water. These two work exceptionally well in sanitizing counters, cutting boards, door knobs, steering It is very strong and is used for any wheels. In tests, we found that pairing the two mists and all plagues.
killed virtually all Salmonella, E. Colli bacteria and Shigella on contaminated food or surfaces when used in this fashion, making this spray more effective than chlorine bleach or any any commercial cleanser. The best results came when using on mist right after the other. Do not mix the two together but keep in separate bottles!
Dr. Schultz (Ruth's)Super Tonic
put the following in a blender: handful of cut-up horseradish root, white onion, ginger root, garlic, Hot peppers(Habanra), add apple cider vinegar to cover. Cover with wax paper and lid. The older it becomes, the more powerful it becomes. Take it by teaspoon, or tablespoon if the plague comes along.